Time: 8-24-19 12:36:36
Configuration settings
"version": "1.0",
// 90%
"MaxBatteryLevelPercent": "90",
// 15%
"MinBatteryLevelPercent": "15",
// Scan Interval. 1000 means 1 second.
"ScanInterval": "30000"
Lenovo computers have such a feature: Maintain the powerlevel at 55% to 60%, known as the Power conservation mode
It is benefit to someone using the computer only at their office or home. But When you suddenly want to go out for business, 60% of the power is seen to be not enough.
If Charging threshold can set to 80% or above, it will be helpful. But I learn that only the Thinkpad laptops have this feature.
So I think if I can charge the scheduled power in the normal charging mode, then switch to the power conservation mode, then I can achieve what I want, maintain the high power conservation mode.
But I don’t know the API of the Lenovo Battery Driver. Maybe this program is not as good as I expected.
Code Core
Windows API
#include <windows.h>
//Freq : The voice Freq.
//Duration : Duration of the voice.
Beep(Freq, Duration);
//MilliSecond : unsigned long
// typedef struct _SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS {
// BYTE ACLineStatus;
// BYTE BatteryFlag;
// BYTE BatteryLifePercent;
// BYTE Reserved1;
// DWORD BatteryLifeTime;
// DWORD BatteryFullLifeTime;
// };
// BYTE : char / short.
SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS sysPower = { 0 };
cJSON Click Here.
cjsondb = cJSON_Parse(jsondb.c_str());
char* val = cJSON_GetObjectItem(cjsondb, "version");
What I learn in this experience
Add an icon to the program
Create a New file and name it: resource.rc. Edit the file with a text editor. File content:
id ICON “/path to icon file (.ico)”
Open the Folder in the powershell
windres resource.rc resource.o
And then link the resource.o to the executable output.
Package installation package(.msi)
Download the application: Advanced installer
Git Problem
An error: warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF
was raised when executing the command: git add .
git config --global core.autocrlf true
How to push the Project to Github?
git add .
git commit -m "Info"
git pull
git push
Hide the console windows
HWND hwndDOS = GetForegroundWindow();
ShowWindow(hwndDOS, SW_HIDE);
// ShowWindow(hwndDOS, SW_SHOW);