I heared that you hate the Mess menu.

Would you like to deal with it?


May be your menu have something usually not used. just like this:


How to Hide something usually not used but actually useful?

Actually i find Something Interesting when i search how i can open the folder in cmd as soon as i right click the free space in the explorer. I find that pass press the left shift and right click and there will be an interesting option: Open PowerShell windows here.

If the option Open Here in VS Code hide in the left shift, will it be better?

How to Achieve it?

Code Here:

Save as the .reg file. And Run as Admin account

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Open Here In VS Code]
@="Open Here In VS Code"
"Icon"="ICON File Path\\ico.ico"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Open Here In VS Code\command]
@="Program File Path\\Code.exe %V"

First Step

Open the regedit and locate the postion HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\.

Create a new Key under the shell. The name of the Key is random if you like. As the example, I named it Open Here In VS Code.

Create a new Key under the Open Here In VS Code with the name command.


Second Step

Go into the Key: Open Here In VS Code and Modify the Default Data: Open Here In VS Code. IMG

Third Step

Go into the Key: command and Modify the Default Data: Program File Path\Code.exe %V.

%V means that where you are.

Now, you can try to right click where you want. IMG

OH NO! I have not press left shift yet!

Fourth Step

Go into the Key: Open Here In VS Code, add a new String value and name it Extended.

Now, It just appear when you press left shift.

Fifth Step

How to ADD ICON to the option?

Go into the Key: Open Here In VS Code, add a new String value and name it Icon.

Modify the Data: ICON File Path\ico.ico. IMG

OK! Get it!

Sixth Step

If you want to run in admin account? Go into the Key: Open Here In VS Code, add a new String value and name it HasLUAShield. IMG

What about the Menu Create New file, Right Click the Folder Items, Right Click the Items ?

| TO DO | Key Postion | | :—————————- | :—————————————————————– | | Create New file | HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers | | Right Click the Items | HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers | | Right Click the Folder Items | HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers |